Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Please ignore the screaming girl in the park

I will be the first to admit that I am a little sad in that my entire world pretty much revolves around my loving husband and our two precious babies (ok, dogs.) But, really? Is that so bad? I mean, they love me unconditionally and I feel that it's the least I can do to constantly pamper them and smother them with treats and walks and fun. So, it was completely natural when I turned into a screaming ranting witch last week in the park when psycho-cell-phone-bitch allowed her "puppy" (the beast is 15 months old) to attack me instead of my dogs because I threw myself between the crazy mutt and my own two precious angels. This crazy ass woman yelled at me telling me it is cruel to walk your dog on a leash because it's not their natural habitat! HELLO! We live in fucking NEW YORK CITY!!!! Is that their "natural habitat?" I don't think so! Not to mention the fact that she was letting this wild dog run in an unfenced park next to two busy NYC streets! She's a fucking moron and deserves to die.
But back to me. So, I start screaming my head off telling her all of the above with a few of my own expletives thrown in for good measure and surprise surprise, no one responded. Not a single passerby stopped to check on the screaming, crying, muddy girl in the park or offer up help or a quick phone call to our local police. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. And what does said bitch lady do? Walk away. Walk away with her dog off leash.
If I see her again, she dies. I will release the hounds and let them eat her leather-hide skin right off her bitch face. And I will laugh and laugh and laugh.
I feel much better now. Thank you.


At Wed Aug 02, 07:00:00 AM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

People KILL me. Yeah, you should definitely let those two have their way with her. I just can't BELIEVE that nobody stopped to do anything.


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