Monday, October 30, 2006

I Hate NYC

1. Trash on the street.
2. Parking
3. 20% of New Yorkers are clinically insane
4. So-called "parks"
5. Pumpkins cost $50
6. Being a gentleman is against the law
7. Noise
8. Phonebooks come en espanol
9. Rats
10. Cockroaches
11. My dogs now have calluses on their pads
12. Even the squirrels are evil
13. Traffic
14. Cabs
15. A box of cereal costs $5.99
16. Apartment size refrigerators
17. MTA employees
18. It takes an hour to get anywhere
19. Fences around any green spaces
20. Honeylocust trees everywhere
21. Southern food is not really Southern food


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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Thinking out loud

My sister's due date is fast approaching. Dec 10, and then she won't just be a sister, she'll be a mom. She's been sending me pictures of her ultrasound and with every one I'm able to see baby Cooper a little better and every one makes me a little more sad.
I'm sad that my lovely sister is all alone with this alien growing inside of her. I'm sad that our dad still won't speak of her, much less to her. I'm sad that I live 20 hours away and no longer have the superhero power of flight to reach her at a moment's notice. And I'm sad that little Cooper isn't mine... God missed. He hit the wrong sister with the stork. And I'm sad that I feel that way, but I do.
I can't understand how one night of "love" with a deadbeat could lead to the creation of a baby for a girl who has struggled her whole life with money and emotional issues and job woes and family woes... And yet...She gets a baby. And then, me, the so-called Golden child that everything always works out for and "oh, look at Erin, she always gets everything she wants, she's so blessed..." Well, apparently I'm not as lucky as everyone thought.
For a long time I've been telling myself that God didn't want to bless us with a child because Michael and I were having so many problems with each other. That God could see the future and wouldn't bring a baby into such an unstable relationship. I've also convinced myself that Michael doesn't want kids, that's an easy out too. But now. Well, we've both been trying to be nicer, he's been bringing home flowers, we're talking, he held my hand last night until I fell asleep and didn't push me away when I snuggled into his back later on. He's trying and so am I. And, he does want kids, he just doesn't get the pain that I do, he has so much on his plate already, he doesn't have time to worry about something he thinks will "happen when God is good and ready." He doesn't understand. And he doesn't like me sad so discussing the issue is not something he will do.
I wanted to go see my dad in a few weeks and tell him he was going to have a grandchild to be proud of. I wanted to drive home for Thanksgiving and announce it over the dinner table. I wanted maternity clothes for Christmas. Who knows. Maybe I'll get my wish, but I'm not counting on it.


At Tue Oct 31, 06:08:00 AM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

Oh, I know, I do. And I'm so very sorry. Life just sucks and is so unfair sometimes. There aren't any other explanations for it. Its just shitty.


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Friday, October 20, 2006

Feeding squirrels

I've decided to try and befriend the squirrels that are living on my patio (rent free). And I have decided to do this by feeding them. Much to my boss' chagrin I have been spending my days gathering acorns from underneath the forest of Oak trees that we have growing in our park. And everyday I bring them home and place them in a giant metal bucket directly outside our doors. And everyday my little kitty goes just a little bit more crazy watching them. It's really quite entertaining. The squirrels taunt him and he makes this low gutteral noise that only an angry kitty can make and I just laugh and laugh and laugh...
Wow, I think I may be going a little crazy here...


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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rain, rain, go away...

It's raining today. For most people this is really not a big deal. For me, well, it kind of tears my little world apart. See, not only do I live in a mostly pedestrian city (which means walking in the rain) but I also work out of doors, in the rain and in the mud. My job sucks when it's raining. The only thing that sucks worse is when my boss is sick and she doesn't want to work outside in the rain and forces me to sit inside with her all day at her desk just staring at her playing on the computer. The whole time I am screaming inside because I have a million gazillion things that I could be doing that are a much better use of my time... like watching Project Runway all day (even though I've already watched every episode like 20 times) or refolding the sweaters in my closet or going shopping for a pair of boots that look just like the pair of Coach boots that I really want or just snuggling with my puppies... anything... I'm so over it. Again, when will this god forsaken month end?


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Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Magic Tube

I rode the bus home today after working in the campus studio for five hours. As I set in my little bus seat all leaden down with my various bags of art supplies and books and my pretty orange drafting tube I felt a little tap on my shoulder. I turned around to look into the eyes of quite possibly the most beautiful blue-eyed little angel I have ever seen.
"What's in your tube?" she asked. "Is it a picture?"
I smiled.
I thought about it.
"Yes, it is a picture. It is a picture of 20 hours of my life that I will never get back."
And I'm not even finished with it.


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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Falling over and falling out

I am ready for October to boogy on out and for November to hurry up and get here. I am not enjoying the current month one little bit and am ready to start a petition to have it permanently removed from the yearly rotation. It's only a third way into this God-forsaken month and already I've almost filed for divorce, been attacked by a dog, been turned down for a job that I was extremely overqualified for, and I've realized that it is my destiny to always be 15 pounds overweight. (I have a 100% in my Woody Class - there's your one good thing Michael.) I'm in a funk. I'm a funky monkey. Monk-the-funk.
So, what now? Well, I have my first real Ivy League final exam on Saturday. Yeah. Maybe once that is finished I will cheer up a bit. Then, come November I will get a good dose of family love. We are flying to Santa Fe to visit my daddy and then driving to Tennessee for Thanksgiving. Both trips have me a little anxious, just because my father always makes me break out in hives and 12 hours in a car with two dogs and a tired husband are slightly terrifying. But, still, I need a little family love right now. I need to feel the warm embrace of unconditional love and to be around people who think I am perfect and wonderful and special. I need to be babied and wrapped up in my daddy's belly and have someone remind me that I'm smart and capable and fabulous... I need love.
So, October hurry up and get out of here. Let November, a good month, come on and then maybe life can be cheery again.


At Wed Oct 11, 08:33:00 AM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

I so wish that we were going to be in Knoxville for Thanksgiving because then we could get together! But sadly, my whole clan will be making their way to Augusta since Patrick is on call for Thanksgiving. So sad.

Fuck October!! Its the new battle cry!!


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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Get comfortable, this might take a while

I remember a time when I would pay $100 for a plane ticket just to get home to Michael a few hours earlier than I would if I waited for my free flight. I remember a time when Michael would go lights and sirens on his way home so that he wouldn't have to sit at a red light, because those 30 seconds were 30 seconds that could be spent with me. I remember a couple who used to enjoy each other's company so much that plans weren't necessary, just being together was enough, conversation wasn't even a requirement, just together time, just us, just love.
But now...
Not so much.
Now, he leaves for work at 7:30am (it's a 15 train ride and his office opens at 9) and comes strolling in (no running for the express train) at 6:30 / 7:00 (his office closes at 5pm) and usually doesn't speak until 2 beers later and only after he's worked on the computer and then it's to tell me to leave him the hell alone while he studies or to complain about how hard he's working and about how he's the only one in his office who actually works and everyone is out to get him and is working against him and his take-over-the-world-schemes. And I sit and I listen and say supportive bullshit like "Oh angel, you're doing such a good job," and "You're right, you shouldn't have to do so much," and "What can I do? Can I get you anything?"
And then I type away on this blog about my apparently boring and worthless life because if it were in fact interesting then maybe he would ask me about it and give me a chance to talk about the fact that I'm scared to death right now over the direction our life together is taking. That I don't see the supportive couple we started out as and that every night when I turn my back to him it's not because I like sleeping on my side it's to hide the tears that I silently shed because I feel guilty for waiting for the bus home instead of catching the train because the bus takes longer... When he's there I don't want to be. He used to make me feel like a princess and now when I look at myself through his eyes I see an ugly, fat, horrible person.
His various descriptions of me revolve around the whole frigid bitch motif with a dose of grumpiness thrown in for good measure. Oh, and let's not forget the standard complaint that I don't ever do anything for him and that I'm a careless and incompetent dog owner. He openly admits that he works so he won't have to be with me and then blames me because it's my grumpiness, after all, that keeps him away.
So, it would seem the solution would be simple. Be cheery, smile, then he'll love me again. But that doesn't work either. I follow his rules, I listen to his complaints, I scratch his back, I fix him food, I pay the bills, I walk the dogs, I take care of the car, I drop off his dry cleaning, I smile, I tolerate him eating dinner in his underwear in silence every night, I watch football and baseball, I spread my legs whenever he asks (not that he ever asks - he usually just starts complaining that as a married man he's not allowed to have sex anymore and that he doesn't know what it is anymore and about how all the girls he went to high school with were so horny and he could have any college girl he wanted when he was in school because they were all horny for him too...) I pretty much just fade into his background. I might as well be a couch cushion for all the attention he pays to me. Oh, and let's not forget that I'm wrong about everything but apparently I can't admit this and I need him to point this out to me daily because if he didn't then I might get a big head. I know I'm wrong about most things, I know I make mistakes, I break glasses, I break paws, I spill food down all my white T-shirts, and I never know what to say or do in social situations, I don't need him to reinforce all my insecurities on a daily basis, I do that enough on my own.
I keep thinking that it will change. His job will get easier, my school will end, the dog will stop misbehaving, life will slow down... We'll go hiking, he'll start boating again, we'll smile, we'll fall back in love... I won't have to remind him to bring home flowers or email him a link to the thoughtful anniversary gift that I so wanted him to come up with on his own. (Michael I know you're reading this - and it wasn't the ring I wanted - I wanted you to know me enough and to want to make me smile... It's not the gift, it's the thought.) Five years, nothing. A little blue bag thrown on the coffee table, "Here you go, hope it fits." No candles, no flowers, no card, "Here yah go..." More like, here's your sign... But hey, that's my fault. I didn't plan a romantic evening. I didn't spell it out for him. I didn't do it for him, so I didn't deserve it. If I wanted a special night so much I should have done it myself, right? It's my own fault. I'm not as special as I thought I was, I guess I'm lucky that I have him to remind me of that.


At Wed Oct 11, 08:31:00 AM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

Marriage is such hard work sometimes and the day to day shit that we have to deal with can sometimes threaten to overtake our lives and become all that there is. I so hope that you and Michael will get through this rough patch and find your way back to each other. I'm always here for you if you need a ear to vent to. Hugs and love my dear.


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