Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Who calls at 7:40am?

OK, So last week I flew with this sweet, but slightly psychotic girl (all flight attendants are slightly psychotic but she was a little more so) but she lives in the city so we exchanged numbers because you can never have too many friends in this lonely town. So, imagine my surprise when she called me this morning at 7:40 AM. No, she was not on the west coast and confused with the time, she just woke up at the butt crack of dawn and decided that 7:40 AM was a good time to call and chat.
OK, I don't even talk to Michael before 9 AM and even then we don't speak until after we've both had a good infusion of coffee so you can imagine my utter horror when my phone started chirping at 7:40am. No, I did not answer it.
Honestly, who is letting these people walk around unsupervised?


At Thu Oct 27, 05:40:00 AM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

Don't people KNOW that any phone call before 9:00 am that is NOT pre-arranged is NEVER good news? Damn. What a fool.


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