Inappropriate behavior
For anyone who flies I have compiled a list of inappropriate behaviors. I ask that you please commit these to memory and refrain from engaging in them on any and all airplanes.
It is completely inappropriate to:
1- wear pajamas on an airplane (and house slippers)
2- wear a bathing suit on an airplane (and then ask for a blanket because you're cold)
3- walk around barefoot on an airplane
4- poke a flight attendant in the ass to get their attention as they walk past
5- ring your call light to have a flight attendant retrieve something from the overhead bin for your lazy ass
6- make-out on an airplane
7- watch porn on your computer with/or without sound
8- clip your toenails and/or fingernails in your seat
9- change your baby's diaper in the seat
10- give said diaper to the flight attendant when they are picking up trash
11- paint your fingernails or remove nail polish
12- sit with your feet on the bulkhead wall (this is especially true for men in shorts)
I could go on, but the fact that I came up with twelve in less than two minutes and the fact that all of these occurred on my two flights today has led me to realize that I want to die so I must go and drink myself into a happy place so that I won't kill the stupid ass mother fuckers who seem to flock to my flights. Lord help us all if this is how these idiots always act, our world is destined to blow up.
Holy shit.
I'll add:
13 - let your toddler run rampant throughout the plane
14 - fart/belch/scratch
15 - take you row-mate's blanket/pillow while I visit the john
16 - try on your duty-free cologne/perfume on board
17 - let your kid kick the back of someone's seat
18 - jump into the aisle the moment the plane lands, then hold up everyone around you while you futz with your overhead crap
19 - unzip your pants in order to sleep
20 - talk about plane crashes in flight
21 - try to recruit your row-mate to your religion
...all of which happened on my most recent flights.
Love your blog - great to have the flight attendant's perspective. Congrats on the new apartment!
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