Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Guilt trip 101

So, I have decided that my I am in fact the daughter of a Jewish Mother. Not that she attends synagogue or cooks kosher style meals, but when it comes to dishing out the guilt my mother is a fucking Rabbi.
I finally convinced her to come to NYC for Thanksgiving. Notice I had to CONVINCE her to come to the greatest city on Earth to spend THANKSGIVING with her ONLY DAUGHTER!
"Oh, honey. I just don't know. My back is really bothering me, wouldn't it be easier if you just drove 13 hours home to Tennessee? (with your grumpy ass husband and two delinquint dogs!)"
"What do you mean I have to fly through Tampa? Can't you call Delta and have them arrange a direct flight for me that leaves after noon? Don't they know your poor old mother can't manage that much flying on her own?"
"No, sweetie, don't you dare fly all the way to Tampa to meet me. I'll be just fine. Maybe one of the nice stewardesses on the plane will be willing to help me." (Note, this translates into you are not a nice stewerdess, much less a nice daughter because you won't fly to Tampa after working the all-nighter from San Francisco just so I don't have to fly alone.)
Oy Vey


At Wed Nov 30, 06:32:00 AM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

Its just AMAZING how they can pull that shit, isn't it?

At Thu Dec 08, 10:36:00 AM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

HEY!! There's some madness going on with my sp.com email and I've lost your email address! Please oh please email me so I have it again. Also? I need your home address!!!


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