Friday, November 04, 2005

Who's letting these people out?

Yesterday I met a woman who was by far the dumbest human being walking around today. And before I tell you what she asked, let me tell you that she was out flying around the country completely unsupervised without any assistance whatsoever. Let me also say that in six years of flying I have been asked some pretty stupid questions, but hers, by far, was the dumbest.
Here we are flying at 36,000 ft above the ocean and this woman dings me and with a completely straight face asks,
"We're above sea level, right?"
"Excuse me?" I manage to say.
"Are we above sea level?"
"I certainly hope so."
"Well, how far above sea level are we?"
"Is this a trick question? We're flying at 36,000 ft."
"Right, I know that, but how far above sea level are we?"
Now, picture me smiling and walking away.


At Fri Nov 04, 09:07:00 AM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

I can picture that, and the picture is VERY clear!

At Fri Nov 04, 09:09:00 AM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

I can picture that, and the picture is VERY clear!


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