Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Kool-Aid Anyone?

Let's all raise our glasses of Kool-Aid and give a toast to the powers that be at a certain unnamed airline(Doesn't Ever Leave The Airport). Here's to you oh mighty shareholders sitting in your fancy offices counting your bonuses for coming up with the genius plan of closing the only successful venture your airline has had in the last 40 years. I can just hear the conversation now,
"Yes, let's get rid of our employees at the bottom of the payscale to make room for our employees at the top of the payscale."
"Yes, let's get rid of the employees who have won over 30 awards for customer service to make room for the employees who are listed as the second rudest flight attendants in the industry (thanks United for coming in last)."
"Yes, let's get rid of the employees who actually enjoy their jobs and have one of the highest employee satisfaction ratings in the industry to make room for the lowest employee satisfaction group in the industry."
Call it a merging of brands, call it bringing the best of two products together, call it the Mother-Fucking-End-All-Be-All-Best-Idea-We-Ever-Had, whatever, just quit force feeding us this corporate bullshit like we're a bunch of idiots who can't tell when a giant dildo has been shoved up our asses. How about a little honesty, how about a little integrity, how about a little accountabiity?
"WE LIED, We know we lied, we're sorry, but that's life, you're going to lose your jobs in May, but you can't leave until May and you're our little drones until then. So, bend over and keep quiet while we continue shoving this dildo up your asses!"
That's all they have to say, then we could just go and continue singing our little Songs until then.


At Wed Nov 02, 12:26:00 PM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

So what happens to you if you DO try and leave before then?

At Thu Nov 03, 04:09:00 PM, Blogger trollydolly said...

You quit. You leave. And you get nothing. No benefits, no severence, no free travel. Nothing, nada, zip, zilcho...


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