Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"Why you always break shit?"

I broke my sweet angel.
I shut my babies paw in the 300lb front door of our building and broke two of his little toes. He had to have surgery to reattach the toes and remove bone fragments. He has to wear a cast and a lampshade for 1 1/2 months. He's on antibiotics and pain killers and he can't walk outside - he has to go potty on our patio.
I'm such a bad mom. See, God knows this and this is why he refuses to put a baby in my belly. I'd probably drop it on its head or squish its soft spot or give it diesel instead of unleaded...
Meanwhile, I hurt my baby so bad that he bit me on my hand which is now swolen to twice its normal size. I had to get a tetnus shot, which I feel I deserved since I almost killed my dog.


At Wed Aug 02, 06:29:00 AM, Blogger Lori said...

I'm sure you're not all that bad?
I shouldn't laugh at this picture but it is pretty funny. In time I'm sure God will give you that baby you want.

At Wed Aug 02, 07:02:00 AM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

Oh sweetie. It was accident. I KNOW that nobody thinks you would do it on purpose, most of all not your dog. He just bit you because he was scared, that's all. I'm so sorry. And you and I? We'll figure out the baby shit once and for, I'm quite certain of it.


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