Goodbye Lucy
Well, it's official. Michael and I are now trapped in New York City.
My car, the first thing I ever purchased with my own money without the help of my dad or Michael, my escape, my little red friend, Lucy, has been sold. We no longer own anything. We are sans property. We have no titles, no mortgages, no leins, no land, nothing, nada, nil, zippo.
I didn't think I would care this much, but I'm actually a little bit sad. Granted, I hated dealing with the car in the city, and my daily anxiety attacks ovr parking were starting to eat at my marriage, but still, it was nice knowing that we had an escape route. I know, we can always rent a car, but it's not the same. Because I know Michael and I, and we are not car renters. Especially just to drive to Jersey. So, this too we will have to get used to, another adjustment, another life step.
I miss normalcy.
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