Friday, November 10, 2006


This last weekend Michael and I flew to Santa Fe to visit my parents. I had been both dreading and looking forward to this trip for a long time, so it came as a bit of a surprise that it went off as easily as it did.
I had really wanted to be able to tell my family that Michael and I would be finally starting our own family and when I realized that wasn't going to happen, well, I really didn't want to go anymore. Then Michael and I started having problems and school got hectic and well... Normally I wait until I actually get around my father to break out in hives but this time the tell-tell stress rash popped up a week before we left.

But, thankfully my premature freak out was not necessary. The trip went off without too many hitches and I truly enjoyed being in the warm embrace of my daddy in his beautiful new home. It was also nice to be out of this hellish city that has somehow become my home and to experience fresh air and Walmarts and interstates and just normal life. We hiked and I got to take pictures, we went to the Georgia O'Keeffe museum, ate deliciously spicy chile infused food, and just enjoyed life.

Now, we are back in NYC and life must go on. I am hoping that our recent vacation rejuvenated us both enough to get us back on track to the life that we once had. It's so hard sometimes to put all of life's stresses aside and to be thankful for the things that once meant the world to us. The need to be bigger and better and to have more just seems to take over sometimes and being thankful for the small things becomes an impossibility amidst the madness of everyday life.
Getting away showed me that my sweet husband is still there, and he does still love me and we are still better together than we would be apart. I just hope that the foulness that is NYC will not infect us again and that if it does we will both be able to see that the city may be bad, but we are good and that in the end that's all that matters.


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