Thursday, November 02, 2006

Am I really old enough to even consider this?

Earlier this week my sister called to tell me that she has been sentenced to bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy. She is suffering from preemclampsyia (sp?) and now the doctor is saying that she will probably deliver in the next few weeks, not the middle of December. This turn of events really got me thinking about mine and Michael's own struggle with children.
I can't really say that we are at the end as far as trying to conceive goes. We have not tried any fertility treatments and while my doctor has tested me and says that nothing is wrong with my ovaries or my uterus or my tubes, Michael has not been tested, and will likely never be tested. Again, it goes back to the whole it will happen when it happens thing. I do track my ovulation and I know when we should be bumping uglies and we normally do, but again, nothing.
Then there's Amanda. She's had an abortion... She's not married... She still lives with a room-mate... Is she really "old enough" to be a mom? Am I? Is Michael?
The first time she was pregnant I offered to adopt her unborn child. She didn't take me seriously, but I was. I cried and, regretfully, hated her just a bit for taking away my opportunity to finally be a mom. This time I didn't offer, and neither did she. She is already in love with baby Cooper, rightfully so, and I can't wait to meet him and smother him with Auntie E love. But that leads me back to my original dilemma. When will I be a mom?
Adoption. I always joked as a child that I didn't want to have my own kids (maybe God took me for my word) and said that I would rather adopt. This drove my own mother absolutely crazy. All she wants is for her beautiful daughter to reproduce and create a beautiful grand-daughter for her to spoil even more rotten than she did me.
Now, I am actually considering it. An agency offers adoption in other countries and I got the packet of info in the mail yesterday. I told Michael. "How much does it cost?" he asked. He's a finance guy, it's just his way, he didn't mean to break my heart with his question, that's just the way his mind works. He doesn't see adoption as a way to complete our family, I don't know how he sees it actually because all he's said is that his company will reimburse part of the cost. Again, he doesn't "hear" what he's actually saying. He doesn't know how to deal with certain adult emotional issues... So, he brings the financial aspect into everything because that's what he knows, it's what he's comfortable with, it's safe. He can "fix" finances, he can't "fix" his wife's need to have a child and he hasn't realized yet that I'm tired of waiting for it to "just happen." It's not going to "just happen." I've lived over two years of it not "just happening." And my heart has been broken 25 times by 25 boxes of tampons. I'm done. I want a child, not another dog, I want a child. If it won't grow inside of me, so be it, I want a family. I need more. I need more of a purpose, more of a reason as to why I am actually here. And I need for Michael to understand this need, for him to offer more than his company's adoption reimbursement information. I want his heart to be in it, not his wallet.
So... What now? I guess that's what we need to start talking about.


At Mon Nov 06, 04:08:00 PM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

Oh sweetie. My heart is breaking for you because I know exactly where your heart and your head are right this very second. Its a ridiculously horrible and cruel thing, infertility. How much time and energy did we focus on NOT getting pregnant all those years? Only to be knocked down by this. I'm reading a REALLY great book right now called "The Infertility Cure" and its about the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and treating infertility...its may want to look into it. Email me!


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