Tuesday, December 05, 2006

O Christmas Tree... O Corn Tree?

Well, I really can't believe that it's Christmas already. This past year has flown by. And I can honestly say that this is a year that I would love to forget and to remember forever.
Now, I usually get a little sad around the Holidays because the last seven years I have been trapped on airplanes listening to unthoughtful passengers complain about how they are going to be "late" to their Holiday celebrations because of me (the flight attendant - you know the person in control of the airports and the weather and the planes...) and the whole time I'm staring at them thinking, "Hello! Look around, you're in my 'office' which means that I'm at work, not at home with my own family and do you really think that I live in Milwaulkee where we are going and it's midnight and so I don't think I'll be making it home at all today!" Anyways, so I am usually sad. But not this year. This year I will be home in Tennessee with my family. (Which is why Michael and I decorated our Corn Tree instead of getting an actual Christmas Tree. But hey, that's what this time of year is for. Making new traditions...) Who knows if the Corn plant will resurface next year, but at least I know now that Michael will still be there and maybe we'll have a third member of our own little family to celebrate with, or maybe not. Who knows? But looking back over this past year I hope that those who know and love me will have noticed a slight shift in attitude, maybe a resurfacing of a happier, calmer me. Maybe even seen a re-emergence of an Erin of years gone by, or maybe not. All I know is that I am turning 30 in 2007 and that scares the shit out of me, so I better enjoy what I have left of my last full year as a 20-something.


At Fri Dec 08, 11:36:00 AM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

oh shit. That 3-0 IS next year, isn't it? damn.

Give me a call over Christmas when you are in Ktown, maybe we can get together!!


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