We're goin' to Jackson...
Well, it's official. We are moving to Jackso Hole, WY. Michael found himself a fantastic job and he will be driving away on November 1st. Which means that I will be left to battle the evil city all by myself until December 21 when I finish school and a really exciting internship.
Just me. No dogs. No husband. Deep breath.
This move is full of mixed emotions. We will be moving closer to our dearest friends and my baby brother, but further away from our families. My mom has pointed out many times (we just told her yesterday) that JH is 1500 miles from Knoxville (it's actually more like 1850, but I will never tell her that.) Michael's parents are even acting all hurt and pouty. But in the end we have to do what's best for us and what's best for our marriage. And getting out of this city and surrounding ourselves with the things we love, well, hopefully it will help us both.
Keep your fingers crossed, I know I am.
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