Saturday, March 01, 2008

Winter, winter, everywhere

Well, in 31 days I will be 31.
A guy in my office told me I should be excited by this. He referred to his 31st year on Earth as "thirty-wonderful."
Can I please throw up now?
Anyways, it's not the aging I mind as much as the starting to feel and look my age part. I have always swore that I would never turn into my mother, the queen of anti-aging. This is the woman who cried on my 29th birthday, not for me, but because she could no longer tell people she was 29. She was devestated (truly, not the fake attention seeking devestation, but true heart-broken-end-of-the-world-devestation). Then I moved to Wyoming and a strange thing started happening. I stopped getting carded when I am buying alcohol.
This is truly heart-breaking to me.
I think I might actually curl up and die.
At first, I thought the alcohol sellers were crazy. Couldn't they look at me and see how young I am?
Then I looked at myself. My eyes have lost some of their youthful twinkle, years of unneccessary sun and dry airplane air and city smog have etched fine lines around my mouth and in the corners of my eyes. My hair no longer holds the youthful luster that it once did. And contrary to what all you brunettes think, natural blonds do get grey hairs.
Sad, so sad.
I think I will go lock myself in my room and kill all my clocks and basically stop living so that I can stop aging. Oh, and alcohol is banned. They can't make me feel old if I don't give them an opportunity to not card me.


At Wed Mar 05, 07:27:00 AM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

you STILL have the world's most perfect hair so I don't want to hear any of that my friend.


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