Monday, February 05, 2007

I'm just a big ol teary mess

I am beginning to think I am a freak. I mean honestly, who cries at a SuperBowl commercial? Well, apparently I do.
The little machine who got fired because he dropped the part in the car factory had me in tears. I seriously cried during the SuperBowl. And no. I had not been drinking. So I had no excuse whatsoever except that I must just be a complete and total emotional wreck and should be placed in a padded room immediately and not allowed to venture forth into this cruel world until I can control my whacked out emotions.
Then, I found myself sniffing my husband. Is that normal? I felt that I just needed a big ol whiff of Mikey and then everything would be OK. And it was, kind of. I guess his oocytes or something have a calming effect on me but still, sniffing him? That's just weird.
Maybe it's the cold weather affecting my brain power. Afterall, humans aren't meant to function in single digit temperatures, especially when snow isn't even added into the mix.
I swear, my entire world is just fucked up and I'm getting a little tired of it.


At Mon Feb 05, 03:44:00 PM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

I cried at the Budweiser commercial with the dog who wanted to be in the parade. Cried BUCKETS. And the machine kind of choked me up worries!

At Tue Feb 06, 05:23:00 AM, Blogger trollydolly said...

OMG!! I totally forgot about that one... yeah, it choked me up too.


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