Monday, March 13, 2006

Escape from Hell

Finally, after 13 months of living in a closet Michael and I have found a new apartment. As of April 1 we will be the proud renters of a one bedroom with a BALCONY on the Upper West Side. Yeah. It's still small by normal world standards, but by New York standards we are as the Jefferson's said, "movin' on up." We've managed to add 100 sq feet to our living space and a "yard" (that's New York for balcony.) It's in a beautiful brownstone on a quiet residential street just four short blocks from Central Park. My dogs can shit on grass! And! The owners live in the building so that means we will always have heat and hot water (the slum we live in now has yet to provide us with either.) And it's the same stinkin' price! Granted we will be paying double rent for the next three months because our lease on our hole is not over till June 30, but savings be damned, it is so worth it! I am so stinkin' excited I think I might wet my pants. Oh, and did I mention the balcony? Having a balcony in New York (even if it does overlook an alley) is like having multiple orgasms while eating chocolate mousse in a bubble bath with Matthew McConnaghey. It means flowers and grills and Coronas under the stars. It means my kitty can actually catch those nasty pigeons that he stalks from behind our barred windows now. It means "fresh" air. Oh and this apartment has a kitchen! It's the size of a closet, but it's still an actual kitchen. Yeah. Here are some photos of what we are not so sadly leaving behind, when we move I will post some of our new 2 year lease apartment(which is also fabulous.)

See why we want out?


At Tue Mar 14, 12:03:00 PM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

YAY!!! Congratulations!!!


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