Monday, August 07, 2006

Where'd all the good people go?

Right now I am really enjoying a certain songbird by the name of Jack Johnson. All of his music is just so head bopping happy that I can't help but smile when I listen to it. He's like a little hug for my ears.
Well, this afternoon on the train home I was about to flip out when yet another homeless asshole starts in on his spiel "I am a homeless man in New York and this is through no fault of my own. I have aids... I am asking for anything you are willing to give..." blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda, it doesn't matter what they say, it's always the same. "I don't want to actually work but you can give me your hard earned cash so I can go get high and drunk." Wait, I got a little off-track, so anyways, this man starts in and like a sign from God on my IPod Jack Johnson starts serenading me with "Where'd all the good people go?" And I had to say, 'Yes dear Jack, where have all the good people gone to?'
What is wrong with everyone? Why does everyone have to be so mean, so underhanded, so just down right evil? Why can't someone just say, "Listen, I'm down on my luck and I need a beer, could you give me mone so I could buy one?" Honesty people, it's called honesty. And when you see a bleeding woman and screaming dog on the stoop of their building... hey, I don't know, STOP. Stop and ask, 'hey, are you all right? Could I , oh I don't know, maybe help you?' Or how about when a gaggle of nuns walk onto a crowded subway car, all you fat assholes could actually give up your seat and let the holy women sit down!
The whole world is going to hell. And it makes me so stinkin' mad. I'm going to turn into one of those people who never leaves home. I'll order all my groceries on line and NetFlix already sends me my happy movies, I can order my books online and well, I can let my dogs piss on the patio. That way I won't have to see the bad, so please don't tell me about it, I just really don't want to know.


At Mon Aug 07, 03:58:00 PM, Blogger PaintingChef said...

I am SO DIGGING Jack Johnson. Have you seen him? SUCH a doll...and those lyrics? Can you get any sweeter and more romantic?

Please don't turn into one of those people who hides in your house. The world NEEDS YOU!


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